Monday 18 January 2021


The festive period was really a little bit intense even for a seasoned veteran like me, from the few days before new years eve until really only a few days ago there was just a flurry of social activity and shenanigans.

And it's only now, when I need to try and reacclimate to the real world that I have had time to really think about exactly how messy things got.

That's not to say that I regret any of it, but I really need to learn to listen to my own body a little bit better and stick to my decisions when I say no.

The excitement of hanging out with new friends, and meeting new people has a special kind of intoxication of its own, never mind all the actual intoxication happening on top of it.

We know by now that my truest joys are talking to new people, so it has been a very joyful month.

But now I am working out student loan paperwork, planning to move in with a good friend of mine, and settling into a study routine again in a little under a month.

I hope I can find a way to keep seeing the people I adore after that happens regularly, because I am smiling so much more often lately.



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